Your parcels are verified against the shipment data transmitted by you and the data recorded by DHL. By doing this, we offer you transparency and make it easier for you to check your invoice.
Your benefits
- Transparency
By verifying the shipment information, we ensure transparent invoicing of any unannounced shipments.
In addition, we provide you with an electronic proof of shipments along with the invoice.
- Simplicity
You no longer have to retroactively cancel parcels that you commissioned but did not actually send. You will only be invoiced for shipments that you actually post.
This will be indicated separately on the invoice.
- Flexibility
You have two options for how information is presented on the invoice:
- Summarized display of all shipments in the overview
- List of all individual shipments, with information on shipment number, name and address of the recipient
DHL Paket billing is production-assisted, i.e., the parcel shipment orders from the EDI messages you transmit to us are verified against the shipment data recorded by Deutsche Post DHL. We refer to any deviations between the announced and the actual quantity of shipments, weight information and selected services as "Identified deviations." We indicate these separately in the invoice.
Invoicing is carried out on the invoice date contractually agreed with you. The invoice includes all shipment orders for the respective billing period.
Thank you for your feedback.
Unannounced shipments or chargeable services that are not specified (e.g., Sperrgut (bulky goods) are listed in the "Identified deviations" section or in a separate invoice. You can recognize such shipments and services on Sheet/ ICR no. "000" in the "Orders from previous periods" or "Orders from the current period" sections.
Thank you for your feedback.
Parcel shipments handed over to DHL, for which we do not hold any EDI data, are invoiced after a waiting period of 10 days. Since we have to consider such shipments as "Unannounced shipments", once the 10-day period has elapsed without the provision of corresponding EDI data, we charge the price of the maximum weight category (e.g., 31.5 kg) if a scaled price has been contractually agreed with you - in accordance with Section §3 of the Business Customer Agreement.
Thank you for your feedback.
- You should send your parcel shipment orders to DHL via EDI messages, as close as possible to the time of posting your parcel shipments. Ideally on the same day, but within 10 days at the latest. If the systemic waiting period of 10 days is not sufficient due to your shipping structure, we would be happy to adapt this for you in our billing system. If you require assistance in this regard please approach to your personal sales representative at DHL Paket.
- Please ensure that you specify services and shipment weights correctly and completely, in particular for shipments classified as Sperrgut (bulky goods) due to their dimensions or special packaging features.
- In the case of reusing old cardboard boxes, please remove all original addresses and barcodes or make them illegible, otherwise it cannot be excluded that these shipments will be re-scanned in our parcel sorting center and invoiced to you.
Thank you for your feedback.
In our billing system, we have also set up a waiting period of 10 days for parcel shipments announced by EDI, but not handed into DHL. If the shipments are not handed in within these 10 days, we cancel them from our backlog and do not invoice you for them.
Therefore, you do not have to provide us with separate notification of cancellation.
Thank you for your feedback.
Invoice Options
DHL Paket offers invoices in three different variants.
We provide you with your invoice as a PDF file in the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal.
Here, you can view, download, and archive your invoices conveniently at any time, and can also handle your complete parcel shipping process, order shipping material, and much more.
Simply log into the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal here.
We make the e-invoice available to you in the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal at the same time and in addition to your summarized bill in PDF format.
It contains detailed information in Excel format on each individual shipment and the associated product and any services.
A description of the file structure and a sample e-bill can be found here.
We provide you with your invoice to download via SFTP server as a structured file and also as a PDF file.
Your benefits
- Process costs: Reduce your workload with our paperless invoice. Reduce your process costs through the increased level of automation for invoice processing and archiving.
- Transit time: You will receive your invoice within a day, even on weekends and public holidays.
- Environmental protection: Make an active contribution toward environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions (no delivery) and saving resources (paper and ink).
We will send you your invoice as an encrypted and password-protected file to the e-mail address of your choice.
You can find more information about encryption here.
We will send you a paper copy of your invoice by postal mail.
Level of Information
Flexible display of all shipments: individually or summarized